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The Skill of Adding Humour in Advertising

Are you just showcasing your products through advertisements and letting people know about its features simply?

If yes, then there are high chances that you are going to get generalized results. To generate exceptional results through advertisements, you need to think of something out-of-the-box.

Nowadays, whenever we talk about out-of-the-box ideas, humorous content tops the list.

But, do you have queries like you are no meme marketing or a standup-comedian who can create humorous content for advertisements? Is there any guarantee that the humorous content will work?

Well, if these questions are there in your mind, then you are at the right place. Here, we will talk about the skill of adding humor in advertising and how effective it can be for your ads campaign.

What is humor?

In simple words, humor is something that creates amusement. For example, A leader of a fitness gym is overweight, proving, after all, how good a fitness trainer he is.

Moreover, the biggest thing to keep in mind is that humor makes your work or personal life more enjoyable.

Most people think that something humorous that leads to laughter is considered as better humor. But this is not the case; humor should be able to relax your mind. Also, it should be highly relatable.

If we are talking about a car company in our advertisement, then the humor developed should be relatable to car owners.

Key factors of using humor:

  • People will enjoy working/being around you.
  • It helps in stress-relieving.
  • Humor helps you to stand out from the queue.
  • It increases your productivity.

The way of using humor in advertisements:

Firstly, we use humor in ads to create a unique approach for advertising. We need to use humor in advertisements so that whenever the audience notices a similar type of humor anywhere else, it helps them remember the product.

A study was carried forward in 1993 around humor. It was figured out that humor helps customers recall and develop purchase intentions whenever they coincide with the humorous message and ad objectives.

Quick tip: Humor should not be the only strategy your company should add in advertisements. You also need to provide valuable information. Hence it is suggested to occasionally add humor in your

advertisements, which will also help customers know that you are not here to make sales always but also working towards their satisfaction.

You can use humor for product ads, blogs, social media marketing strategies, and many more such ways.

Why humor?

The process of adding humor in advertisements requires a lot of planning; we need to figure out the target audience and what kind of humor will suit them.

But once the research part is done, you are ready to take advantage of the outcomes. Still, have second thoughts about adding humor in advertisements?

Here are a few reasons that will clear your “WHY”:

  • Attention-grabbing:

In today’s world, grabbing someone’s attention is the most challenging task; it’s also noticed that most ads get unnoticed even by their target audience. Hence, at last, the company is unable to create any brand awareness and sales.

So with the use of humor in advertisements, you would be able to add that attention-grabbing factor. Do you know what’s that factor helps grab your audience’s attention?

That’s uniqueness and humor would be able to fulfill that requirement efficiently. Not only that, but it also sets the tone of your company in a memorable way.

You would be able to stick with your customers throughout life.

  • Shareability:

With the help of humor in your ads, you would take advantage of enhanced shareability. But, unfortunately, more people love to share funny and humorous content rather than share something informative.

In this way, your ads would reach more people and that too without doing anything.

  • More relatability:

We have noticed that if a brand has created a meme for a specific region, then there are high chances that people from the other areas will also find it relatable through humor in the ads.

In this way, you would be able to project your ad in more than one region with a single region advertisement budget.

  • Recalls:

Customers would be able to recall your products and services through the advertisements integrated with humor. After your ads, whenever they face similar situations or any post linked with your humor, you will help them recall your ad.

Does humor always work in advertisements?

We need to keep in mind various factors before adding a humorous touch to our advertisements. Because there are a few sensitive topics where we can’t add humor or can’t create an ad that is funny or makes people laugh.

Under such circumstances, you would have to come up with something extremely relatable and easy to understand. Moreover, we have noticed that people don’t move forward with humor content under sensitive topics, as the chances are high that people will misunderstand the ad.

But here are the factors you need to keep in mind for using humor in almost every type of advertisement:

  • Firstly you need to have a look at the target audience of the product or business. Based on which you would be able to figure out what kind of content they are consuming, what trends are going on.

Such information will help you alot in creating the right advertisements integrated with humor.

  • You should work on the tone of your humor in ads, usually, in some cases, people create that ad with another perspective, but the audience takes it in the wrong direction.

So we need to be very clear about the tone we are using to create ads. Along with that, we need to keep on gathering data around our campaigns that will help us know about the results of our campaigns and what changes we need to carry forward to generate better results.

  • The next thing to always keep in mind while dealing with humor in advertisements is to stay relevant to your industry. Just assume if I want to create an ad around the automobile industry, then you need to figure out relevant content for your target audience and never move out of your industry.

There are plenty of trends that keep on going on the internet; you need to find the right trends and then design your advertisements.

When doesn’t humor convert?

We need to create a proper balance between adding humor, creating relatable ads, generating sales, and making people laugh. Once we have created a perfect balance with all these things, that is when our advertisements with humor are always going to work.

In short, we need to keep in mind, for creating humorous advertisements, let’s not forget that we also have to make sales out of it.

Ways to add humor in your advertisements:

Yes, you heard it right. There are various ways to add humor to your advertisements. Let us have a look at all the effective ways to add humor to your advertisements:

  • Puns in ads:

The first method to add humor to your advertisements is by adding short puns to the full ad. In this way, you would be able to keep your ad valuable, and that; it also helps add a bit of humor.

  • Exaggerating:

If you are creating an ad with less or no words, try to be more exaggerated. In this way, you would be able to make your target audience understand what you are trying to say without even using a single word.

Under such situations, you need to be extremely creative and out of the box.

  • Comparisons:

You can use humor in the sense of comparisons through your ads where you can compare two products, in which you need to show how your product is better than other products.

In this way, first, you would be able to create a positive approach by showing the benefits of your product. At the same time, you can come up with a humorous way to create the ad.

Such humorous ads have the highest conversion rate, and people remember such ads for a longer time period.

  • Surprised way:

Have you ever come across such posts or ads where you were expecting something about the product but got something completely unexpected. We are sure that you must have come across many such ads, so such ads use surprising humor way.

In this way, you are placing your point completely differently, and people are getting surprised after checking out your response.

Under such methods, the results have been noticed that people remember such posts easily.


Still, having second thoughts about adding humor into your advertisements? We are sure your answer would be no. Here we have covered every aspect of adding humor into ads. Hence, by looking at all the elements, we are sure you understand that humor is the future of advertisements, and we will see more and more ads filled with humor.

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